GluPerspective(45, (GLdouble)w/ (GLdouble)h, 1.0, 2000. Mouse - Razer DeathAdder 3.5G Wired, RZ01-0015 Monitor 1 - ASUS VG248QE 24' 1080p 16:9 144Hz, occasionally 120Hz if I use LightBoost, runs on GTX 970 Monitor 2 - Philips 19b4qcb5/27 1280x1024 60Hz In Summary: - Desktop window dragging, OpenGL games, many other things have micro and macro-freezes whenever I move the mouse. GluPerspective(45, (GLdouble)w, 1.0, 2000.0) See the link at Is there mouse locking in processing - 4 by neilcsmith and if you’re using OpenGL, make sure to use the JOGL version near the bottom of the post. User keeps mouse held down and moves mouse A Mandelbrot is a fractal (named for its discoverer, Benoit Mandelbrot) produced by performing the calculation Z n+1 Z n 2 + c recursively upon coordinates in the complex plane Explore Pop Mols board 'Mandelbrot Fractal' on Pinterest Here is a program to generate an image of the Mandelbrot set: / A program to generate an image. You also need to check if the user has already clicked on an object to move and is then holding the mouse to move it.ģ. However, as soon as I finish my fullscreen work I'll be working on them, so soon now On Tue, at 6:23 PM, Daniel wrote: Quote: I've been unable to hide the mouse cursor (properly) using SDL. I'm sort of intentionally leaving them unimplemented as a reminder that 1.3 isn't ready yet. void betraysetmousewarp(boolean warp) Description: warp mouse to never hit the edges. For systems with only two mouse buttons, it may not be possible to. The button parameter is one of GLUTLEFTBUTTON, GLUTMIDDLEBUTTON, or GLUTRIGHTBUTTON. When a user presses and releases mouse buttons in the window, each press and each release generates a mouse callback. What you need to do is check whenever the mouse is moved AND if the player is holding the button you use to move objects. Yes, cursors are not yet implemented in SDL 1.3. Use betraysupportfunctionality(BSFMOUSEWARP) to qquery if the functionality is available. glutMouseFunc sets the mouse callback for the current window. You can try glPushMatrix(), glLoadIdentity(), glTranslatef(0.1f0, 0.2f0, 0.0f0), draw-gl-scene, and glPopMatrix(), which may or may not be what you actually want to do. Everything is relative, so it doesn't really make sense to talk about absolute position in this way.

You need to keep track of your transforms and move things as appropriate for the current state of the model view matrix. In fact, transformations are relative to the object.