The rookie escape prison
The rookie escape prison

the rookie escape prison


Artistic License – Biology: A downplayed example happens when Bradford gets sprayed by a skunk about halfway through Season 1 and experiences nothing worse than his colleagues wrinkling their noses in his immediate proximity.Subverted, however, as Officer Aaron Thorsen has been added to the cast as a rookie, but Nolan remains the main character.


  • Artifact Title: As of the Season 4 premiere, Nolan is no longer a rookie officer and has become a full fledged L.A.P.D.
  • Officer Jackson West in the Season 4 episode “Life and Death”.
  • Captain Zoe Andersen in the Season 1 episode “Greenlight”.
  • Analogy Backfire: While describing a failed former child actor turned cult leader that used an acting school to recruit, Bradford uses the old saying "Those who can't do, teach", only for Lucy to laugh and point out that he is literally her teacher.
  • Amusing Injuries: Pursuing a suspect, Nolan jumps over two fences without checking what's on the other side and ends up with a forehead full of cactus spines.
  • To a lesser extent, Chens car in the first 3 seasons is an old beat up junker that breaks down in the middle of the road, and is eventually stolen in broad daylight because it lacks a functioning lock.
  • Bishop then proceeds to use the junk heap cruiser’s trunk as a battering ram upon the front door of a perp’s house when the situation becomes urgent.
  • After Nolan and Bishop crash two SUVs, the LAPD motor pool gets revenge by giving them a decades-old beater of a patrol car that is on the verge of completely falling apart.
  • Chen's actor Melissa O'Neil won the third season of Canadian Idol in 2005.
  • Actor Allusion: Chen getting thrown in front of the American Idol judges in "The Overnight".
  • Bradford's father was an abusive alcoholic, as revealed in season 4.
  • Her father practically disowns her when she arrests one of his patients.
  • Chen's parents have no respect for her choice to become a cop.
  • Grey's wife has an alcoholic father who Nolan's mother reminds her of.
  • She gets verbally abusive when she doen't get her way.
  • Nolan's father abandoned him by at ten, and his mother's scheming ways have repeatedly come close to ruining his life and livelihood.
  • The Rookie includes examples of the following tropes:

    The rookie escape prison